This page is designed to help you figure out how to "live" in isolation. If you have any suggestions for material to add to this page, please send them along. You can email [email protected] or use the contact form on this page.
The links to the left will take you to individual pages (this one was getting too long) with the content. Anything that is underlined is a link. Alternatively, you can use the drop-down menu at the top of the page to navigate to the content you are interested in. Information from and about USAFASome of you are aware that USAFA is experiencing some cases of COVID-19. Here's information from and about USAFA.
1. Get Help or Make SuggestionThe whole point about having a community is to help each other. In good times, we do that through sharing experiences, job opportunities, advice, and camaraderie. In bad times, we do that by doing what needs to be done to make sure everyone makes it through okay.
If you need help, please ask! We will activate the community to figure out how best to meet your needs. If you have ideas regards links, resources, or recipes, or if you'd just like to share a story, please transmit! Thanks. |